Friday, March 20, 2015

Hot Dogs

Hot Dogs

Hot Dogs
by Patty
Who doesn’t love a hot dog, especially with summer coming and the BBQ season on the horizon! There’s a wide variety of vegan hot dogs on the market now and none of them are made from the odds and ends of slaughtered animals (Oh, if the kids knew what was in a meat hot dog - Yuk!)

Packet of vegan snags (here I used Sanitarium Hot Dogs)
Hot dog buns
Mustard and tomato sauce
Fried onions (red onion finely sliced)
Nuttlelex or any vegan margarine (optional)
Pickles (optional)

Boil, steam or fry the hot dogs in a few drops of canola oil. 

Spread margarine on the bun, add hot hot dog, smear with mustard and ketchup, and if you’re a Yank like me you’ll add some pickle relish, or here there’s fried onions, the Aussie way!

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