Friday, March 20, 2015

Meaty Meatless Lasagne (vegan)

Meaty Meatless Lasagne (vegan)

You will need:     Main Ingredients:
          1 pack             Lasagne sheets
          1 tin                Sanitarium Nutmeat
          350g               Tofu
          2 large jars      Paul Newman’s spaghetti sauce
          2 tbsp             vegetable oil
     Cheez Sauce:
          6 tbsp             tahini
          3 tbsp             lemon juice
          1½ tsp            mustard
          30 ml              soy sauce
          300 ml            soy milk
          Method for cheez sauce:
          Mix well in saucepan over low heat. Simmer for 5 minutes, stirring occasionally.
Method:     1  Fry large slices of tofu in 1 tbsp oil for 3-5 minutes until golden in a large,
         non-stick pan or wok. Turn tofu out onto a plate, slice into smaller pieces and set
     2  Slice and dice Nutmeat into small cubes, then add to fry-pan. Fry gently in 1 tbsp
         oil for 10-15 minutes, or until Nutmeat is well broken up and browned (use wooden
         spoon to help break it).
     3  Add 1 large jar of Paul Newman’s sauce to Nutmeat mixture and simmer on low
         heat for 5 minutes.
     4  Make "Cheez Sauce" while Nutmeat simmers.
     5  Once the ingredients have been cooked, and the Cheez Sauce finished, begin
         building the Lasagne layers in a large, oblong baking dish. First, put down a
         generous layer of Paul Newman’s sauce from the unused jar. Then, lay down
         Lasagne sheets, and on top of them a few slices of tofu here and there. Then pour
         a shallow covering of Cheez Sauce over the tofu, then a third of the
         Nutmeat/tomato mixture. Next, lay down Lasagne sheets, tofu, Cheez Sauce and
         Nutmeat mixture. On the last layer of Lasagne sheets, cover with the rest of the
         tofu, Cheez Sauce, and a final, generous covering of the unused Paul Newman’s
     6  Bake at 180 degrees Celsius for 1 hour. Serve with salad or side vegetables.
         Makes 6 large portions.

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